I borrowed this from My 2 Second Shelf Life. I'm just plum out of blogging creativity lately. I think it's all the Photoshop work, just draining me.
1) Age you will be on your next birthday:
2) Place you would like to visit:
3) One of your favorite places (In case you missed it, one is in CA, one is in FL):
4) Your favorite object (50" Plasma TV):
5) Your favorite food (Only Grandma's!):
6) Your favorite animal (That's my boy, Scout):
8) Name of a past pet (a siamese cat):
10) First teacher’s last name:
12) Your middle name:
14) Your favorite holiday (Very close to my birthday, start of Christmas season!):
January 29, 2008 at 8:06 PM
January 30, 2008 at 1:41 PM
Thank you dear! It was a big lifesaver to borrow this meme from you. I appreciate your putting yours out there :)